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Добавлено через 4 часов 44 минут 29 секунд:Вот развернутый ответ от Томаса.
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For MMI you are not allowed to have anything thicker than 7 mm (instead GER 6,5). As far as I have in memory 7 mm was chosen because some have used a light weight tube with a little more than 6 mm diameter and 7 was said to look more simple than our GER 6,5mm restriction. I think all MM skippers would agree that there is no need nor wish to have a mast thicker than about 6 mm and 7 was just to have a kind of max. tolerance.
The given limitation of 6,5 mm in our GER-MM rules is to have an opportunity to make a rotating aero foil mast but if so it must be measured as part of the mainsail. Up to 6,5 mm we decided to be free in choice of mast. 6,5 is in fact due to just 6 mm tubes, but as “tolerance” there are 0,5 mm additional allowed. A mast thicker than 6 mm makes no sense on a MM was our thinking behind the given dimension. But if someone likes to have one, he is allowed to but have to reduce the additional thickness above 6,5 from the mainsail as compensation.
Why does your skipper want to have a mast thicker than 7 mm? Its oversized for that small rig and in my eyes makes no sense – as long as the mast is not a rotating aerofoil shape construct like a Walicki mast - which would be allowed only here in GER. I am sure a wooden mast with 6 mm will also work well if the mast is made from for example 4 glued pieces of 3x3 mm wood batten… It can be glued on a jig with “prebent” to get a better jib tension – similar as many IOM boats have prebent alloy masts. And very talented builders can add some unidirectional carbon fibres and glue it with epoxy....
Добавлено через 1 минута 8 секунд:Т.е. в Германии если хочешь иметь мачту шире 6.5 мм - не вопрос, отрезай лишнее от грота.