http://www.micromagic-segeln.de/forum/s ... 4#pid53964
Hi Vladimir,
nice, but maybe just for optical matters. From my experience it does not fit to the hull of a MM due to the only relativ small width of the stern part. Thus both ruders are in the water and the second will increase resistance as well as any ruder movement one ruder will counteract like a brake - overall will reduce speed and sail balance in this configuration.
If two rudders, than at least both should be reduced in size.
It would better fit to a modified hull shape like this just slightly modified cMM from Eric Lhoir (Hamburg) already back in 2003:

Там типа, что корма в нонешнем виде не подходит для двух штатных рулей в паре. Один при маневрах будет тормозить лодку и нарушать парусный баланс.
Для двух рулей нужна более плоская корма. Ну или как вариант использовать рули поменьше (короче).